Sunday, Sep 22, 2024

2023 U.S. Championships | Junior Women Day 1 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for for the first day of junior women’s competition at the 2023 U.S. Championships, held in San Jose, California!

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1:38 pm. Day 1 Standings

1. Simone Rose 53.050
2. Hezly Rivera 52.750
3. Kieryn Finnell 52.500
4. Izzy Stassi 51.950
5. Gabrielle Hardie 51.600
6. Ly Bui 50.800
7. Reese Esponda 50.700
8. Audrey Snyder 50.200

1:35 pm. Gabrielle Hardie BB: Nice wolf turn. Bhs loso looks really solid at first but then she ends up with a slight check. Front aerial to split jump to back handspring, solid. Switch leap to sissone. Had a wobble on some acro after that, dismounts with a double full, small hop.

1:32 pm. Kieryn Finnell BB: hit the leap mount. Super floaty and PERFECT triple flight series. Switch to switch half, little step back. Front aerial to split jump to Korbut. Clean side aerial, dances back out of it. Double pike, steps back out of it a few times. 13.600!

Hezly Rivera FX: Double layout with a massive bounce back, OOB. she goes so low and long in the air. Tucked full-in in also a bit wild on the landing but not as bad as the first. Love this music and think everyone should be required to do a cappella music. Front tuck through to layout. 2.5 with a big step forward. 12.150

1:29 pm. Isabella Anzola BB: Nailed the jump and leap series. I missed everything before that and feel like we’re close to the end. Yes, just the dismount left, a strong double pike. 11.650

Izzy Stassi FX: Full-in was good to start. Hit the second pass. Clean 1.5 to front full. Good double pike, maybe a tiny bit deep on the landing, but not bad! 12.600

1:27 pm. Ally Damelio UB: Weiler half to stalder to Chow, ugh, catches but slips and falls. NOOOOO. Back on for the Chow to Pak and it’s gorgeous. Toe-on to Maloney to Gienger, tiniest leg separation. Blind full, blind half with slight leg separation to a super clean double front. UGH THAT FALL IS KILLING ME. 12.000

1:25 pm. Reese Esponda FX: Double double, great! Also nailed the double layout. Clean and open double pike. Front tuck through to double tuck, AMAZING! 13.050

Maliha Tressel BB: Came off on some acro, I think it was a side aerial. Didn’t see a ton of this, but had a nice double tuck dismount. 11.700

Audrey Snyder UB: Big Tkachev! Got the van Leeuwen. Hit everything else including the dismount. 11.900

1:24 pm. Tatum Drusch VT: Yurchenko full, twists kinda late, but got it around and had a solid landing. 13.000, also hit a Yurchenko 1.5! That bumps her to a 13.600.

1:21 pm. Sage Bradford FX: Hit the first pass. Got the 1.5 to front full around. Double pike last pass I think? Good routine. 12.500

Ella Kate Parker BB: Hit the flight series but wobbled on something after. Full turn. Front aerial, check. Good double full. 12.650

Nicole Desmond VT: Yurchenko 1.5, legs in the air, but a decent landing! 13.450

Charleigh Bullock UB: Toe-on to toe half to Jaeger, nice. Had a pirouette and a Pak after that, toe shoot, full-in, some leg form in the air, good landing. 12.650

Ly Bui VT: Yurchenko full, looked really nice to me, but I only saw the very end! 13.300

1:19 pm. Lavi Crain VT: Clean Yurchenko full, great landing. 13.300

Simone Rose UB: Maloney to Hindorff, nice. Stalder half to Ezhova, legs in the air were straddled but nice combo, Good van Leeuwen. Blind full, and a good double layout, small hop. She had a great day! 13.300

1:17 pm. Lacie Saltzmann VT: Didn’t see her first vault but saw that she hit. Also hit a handspring front tuck. 12.300

Camie Westerman UB: I missed this! 12.500

Tyler Turner BB: Had a fall mid-routine which I missed. 11.600

Addy Fulcher FX: I missed the beginning but she ended with a strong 2.5. 11.900

Sorry, there was some discussion up here, so I missed a lot of the first few routines!

1:16 pm. Here’s the start list for the fourth rotation!

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1:13 pm. Rotation 3 Standings

1. Hezly Rivera 40.600
2. Simone Rose 39.750
3. Izzy Stassi 39.350
4. Gabrielle Hardie 39.150
5. Kieryn Finnell 38.900
6. Audrey Snyder 38.300
7. Tyler Turner 38.000
8. Maliha Tressel 37.900

1:09 pm. Izzy Stassy BB: Layout stepout mount, really solid. Side aerial loso, strong. Switch to siwtch half, little bobble. Front aerial, pulled her chest up really late and wobbled, but good save. Korbut. Double full, a little deep with a hop. 12.550

1:08 pm. Kieryn Finnell UB: Toe full, the tiniest bit late, good handstand before the Maloney to Pak, missed toes so didn’t connect right to the van Leeuwen but gets it one second later, blind change to straddle Jaeger, good, full-in, a little deep with a lunge. 12.950

1:06 pm. Ly Bui FX: Double tuck, clean and with a great landing. Ooh, 2.5 to tucked barani, that’s fun! 12.200

Reese Esponda BB: Came off on something, standing full I think? Another huge wobble on a loso. Switch to split jump to straddle jump. Hit the standing back pike. Hit the dismount. 11.650

1:05 pm. Isabella Anzola UB: Stalder half to straddle Jaeger, stalder to Pak, leg separation but she has such nice extension. Stalder full was wild and late, has to take an extra swing after, toe-on to toe shoot, clear hip, and a clean double layout with a good landing. 12.300

1:02 pm. Lavi Crain FX: Triple full! Good landing and rotation. Double tuck, a little short. Had a front layout for the last pass from her that I saw. 12.200

Jayla Hang VT: Yurchenko double full, crashes it, and she doesn’t get right up. She’s injured. I’m going to rage. Medics check her out and then walk her off the podium. 12.700

Maliha Tressel UB: Had a Pak, stalder, toe shoot, full-in with a tiny step. I missed a lot of this but pretty sure she got everything. 12.300

Sage Bradford BB: I missed this! 10.300

1:00 pm. Charleigh Bullock VT: Yurchenko full, not a ton of power, but really nice in the air. 13.100

Ella Kate Parker UB: Ricna to Pak, some leg separation but hit. Stalder full to toe shoot. Blind change to front giant half, went crooked and tried fixing it but got a little discombobulated and kept swinging around before stopping. Double layout was fine after that. Bummer. Ugh, she’s crying. 11.000

Audrey Snyder VT: Really powerful Yurchenko full. 13.050

12:59 pm. Addy Fulcher BB: I missed the very beginning. Check on the bhs loso. Bobbled on a switch leap and didn’t connect to the sissone. Hit the dismount. 11.200

Lacie Saltzmann FX: Good double pike, big bounce back. Clean double tuck, maybe a tad short but not super serious. Hit routine! 12.300

12:58 pm. Tyler Turner UB: Weiler half, a little short, Maloney with great back swing to stalder to Ricna, nice. HUGE Pak. Great handstand before the van Leeuwen, just slgiht leg form there, stalder full, arches over and she has to come off. WHYYYYY. Back on just for the dismount, hit it. 12.150

Simone Rose VT: Yurchenko full, not bad! 13.100

Also a Yurchenko 1.5 from Rose, some knee form but a solid landing! 13.750 for that.

12:57 pm. Camie Westerman VT: Yurchenko full, pretty good in the air, a little buckled on the landing. 13.000

12:54 pm. Ally Damelio VT: Yurchenko full, some pike down but got the landing. 12.900

Gabrielle Hardie UB: Stalder full, nice handstand before the Maloney to Pak, stalder half to straddle Jaeger, got the dismount! 13.300

Hezly Rivera BB: Very nice bhs loso. Switch to switch half with a little check. Switch ring, looked nice from here. Double pike, chest pretty low, but got it! 13.750

Tatum Drusch FX: Good double pike to start. Hit the second pass. 1.5 to front full, OOB. Hit the last pass. 12.400

12:52 pm. Start lists for the third rotation are here!

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12:50 pm. Rotation 2 Standings

1. Hezly Rivera 26.850
2. Izzy Stassi 26.800
3. Reese Esponda 26.000
– Simone Rose 26.000
5. Kieryn Finnell 25.950
6. Tyler Turner 25.850
– Gabrielle Hardie 25.850
8. Addy Fulcher 25.750

12:45 pm. Audrey Snyder FX: Clean and strong double pike, step back OOB. 1.5 to front full, small hop, slight leg form, but nice overall. L turn was so slow and steady. Switch leap to tour jeté half. Clean double tuck, small bounce back. Nice work! 12.550

12:41 pm. Nicole Desmond BB: Hit the first couple pieces of acro, then a switch to wolf jump. Strong bhs loso series. Front aerial to split jump to Korbut. Just a layout dismount, big hop back. 12.050

Charleigh Bullock FX: Strong double tuck but a step back OOB. Double full. Love her choreo always. it’s so silly. 2.5 with a step. 11.050

Reese Esponda UB: Toe full to Maloney to Pak, really clean. Also clean on the van Leeuwen. Clear hip to blind change to straddle Jaeger, good. Nice full-in, tiniest bounce. Good for her! 12.850

12:38 pm. Lavi Crain BB: Switch leap to split jump, solid bhs loso, slips on the front aerial and falls. 11.850

Simone Rose FX: Ooh, 1.5 to front double full I think? Or front full to front double, I missed the entry. 2.5 to front tuck was nice. Big bounce back on the double tuck. 13.100

Sage Bradford UB: Big but crooked in the air on her straddle Jaeger. Back on foe a Ray, nice. Pak, some leg separation. Toe full, a bit muscled through, van Leeuwen, a little low, clear hip, double tuck is good. 10.700

12:34 pm. Lacie Saltzmann BB: Lands the wolf turn in a bit of a squat. Standing back tuck was nice. Hit the front series. Lovely on the jump series. Switch leap also nice. Cross straight jump full. Side aerial. Double tuck, maybe a little deep, lunge, but this is such a stunning set. 13.100

Camie Westerman FX: Hit the first pass. 1.5 to front full, sits it. Double tuck, looked like she got her feet caught in the sting mat on her set, got basically no height and landed hands down. 9.900

Addy Fulcher UB: Stalder full to Maloney to Pak, good. Van Leeuwen, legs were WILD but got it turned around. Full-in with a hop forward. 12.800

12:33 pm. Isabella Anzola VT: Yurchenko full, similar to Tressel where it wasn’t huge or anything but wasn’t bad either. 12.950

12:31 pm. Tatum Drusch BB: Front aerial, little pause. Nice air on the switch half. Hit the flight series. A little deep on the punch front. 2.5, over rotates a little, small step. 12.150

Ella Kate Parker VT: A bit loose in her form, gets it around though. Just not a ton of power or dynamics in general. 12.750

Ally Damelio FX: Lovely triple full. 1.5 to front full. Hit the last pass. 11.900

Maliha Tressel VT: Yurchenko full, not super powerful but not super NOT powerful either. Somewhere in the middle. 12.900

Claire Pease UB: Got the pirouette at the start, Komova II to Pak, nice! Good van Leeuwen. Inbar half to big straddle Jaeger. Double front half, doesn’t quite get the half turn where it needs to be and puts her hands down. 12.800

12:30 pm. Tyler Turner VT: Yurchenko full, decent flair at the end! 13.250

Hezly Rivera UB: Toe full to Maloney to Ricna, Pak is super clean, nice handstand before the van Leeuwen, leg form, toe half to piked Jaeger, nice. Gets the full-in with a step. Yessss! 13.850

12:28 pm. Izzy Stassi UB: Straddle Jaeger, nice. Bhardwaj, toe full, had leg separation on the Pak, van Leeuwen, more leg separation there, double layout, leg separation and a small hop. 13.100

Ly Bui BB: I missed this unfortunately! 12.000

Jayla Hang FX: Clean double tuck, bounce back. Good double full. 12.000

Gabrielle Hardie VT: Yurchenko full, not quite there in her form and her block doesn’t get much height. 12.850

12:27 pm. Kieryn Finnell VT: Clean and polished Yurchenko full, step back. 13.400

12:26 pm. Start list for the second rotation!

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12:23 pm. Rotation 1 Standings

1. Izzy Stassi 13.700
2. Ly Bui 13.300
3. Reese Esponda 13.150
4. Sage Bradford 13.100
5. Hezly Rivera 13.000
– Gabrielle Hardie 13.000
7. Addy Fulcher 12.950
8. Simone Rose 12.900

12:18 pm. Charleigh Bullock BB: Bhs loso, leg up, could have pulled her chest up more, but nice! Switch to split jump (the tiniest bit short) to Korbut. Wobble and sadly a fall on the side somi. Cross split jump half. Good landing on the double full. 11.150

Maliha Tressel FX: Double wolf turn to start. Tucked full-in, some leg form, step back. 1.5 through to double full, step back. Front tuck through to clean double tuck, that was REALLY nice! 12.700

12:16 pm. Simone Rose BB: witch leap mount, switch to straddle to split jump, really short on the latter, bhs bhs loso, leg up at the end but only slightly. Side aerial. Front aerial, 2.5 dismount, lunge forward. Great routine overall! 12.900

Ella Kate Parker FX: A little wild in her form on the piked full-in, bounce and OOB. Triple full, gets it! 2.5 to front tuck, feet slide and the landing gets away from her. Double pike, lunge back. 10.950

12:14 pm. Lavi Crain UB: Inbar to Pak, some leg separation, toe full was really late, hit everything else including a double layout, some leg separation but a good landing. 11.700

12:10 pm. Lacie Saltzmann UB: Stalder half to toe half, looks like she’s a little lost, stalder full, there we go, Maloney, doesn’t connect out of it, bail to Ray, double layout dismount with a little hop. Might have had a release that I missed. Good job correcting the pirouette mishap at the beginning, very advanced mindset there. 12.050

Camie Westerman BB: Split jump to sissone, some leg form. Missed a lot after but saw a standing back tuck, nice. Hit a 1.5 dismount, some body line form. 11.600

Tyler Turner FX: Full-in, chest down but landed well enough. Front full for her second pass. Double tuck to finish, a bit short. 12.600

12:08 pm. Gabrielle Hardie FX: Good 2.5 to front pike. 1.5 to front full, little step. Clean double tuck, little steps. 13.000

Ally Damelio BB: Nice back handspring mount. nice Onodi. Switch leap to split jump. Bounced back on the double full dismount. 11.800

Tatum Drusch UB: Maloney to Pak, van Leeuwen, pretty good, big piked Jaeger, but sadly had a fall. 11.150

12:07 pm. Sage Bradford VT: Clean Yurchenko full, decent amount of power. 13.100

12:05 pm. Kieryn Finnell VT: Piked full-in, gorgeous. Y turn was also lovely. Clean double tuck, step back. Clean 1.5 to front full, step forward. Lovely double pike, step back. 12.550

Jayla Hang BB: Candle mount. Got through the wolf turn. I missed a few skills after that. Switch to switch half. Clean. Just a 1.5 dismount, but good. 12.400

Addy Fulcher VT: Solid Yurchenko full. 12.950

Ly Bui UB: Caught the straddle Jaeger, toe-on, Pak, van Leeuwen, stalder full, full-in, basically stuck! Just moved a foot slightly. 13.300

12:04 pm. Zoey Molomo UB: Toe full to Maloney to Pak, nice. Good van Leeuwen, blind change to straddle Jaeger, some feet, but overall good, blind change to L grip to a layout dismount. Good! 12.800

Hezly Rivera VT: Yurchenko full, bounce back. 13.000

12:01 pm. Reese Esponda VT: Clean Yurchenko full with a hop back. 13.150

Nicole Desmond UB: Saw a nice Ricna from her. Pak was a bit rough but fought through the mistakes and fixed it up. Toe shoot, full pirouette, came off early for the double pike dismount and landed on her knees. 10.600

Isabella Anzola FX: Full-in to start, a little low. Strong 2.5 to front tuck. Step back out of the double pike at the end. 12.200

Audrey Snyder BB: I missed the beginning but saw she hit everything. Front aerial to split jump to straddle jump was nice. Nice double full dismount. 12.700

Izzy Stassi VT: Great landing on her Yurchenko 1.5! 13.700

11:59 am. Rotation 1 Start List

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11:55 am. Touch warmups are beginning for the first day of junior WAG competition!


By: Lauren
Title: 2023 U.S. Championships | Junior Women Day 1 Live Blog
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 18:55:58 +0000

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