Sunday, Sep 22, 2024

2023 U.S. Championships | Senior Women Day 1 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for for the first day of senior women’s competition at the 2023 U.S. Championships, held in San Jose, California!

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6:08 pm. Dulcy Caylor FX: Good tucked full-in. Dobule pike, clean in the air, hop back. Memmel turn. 1.5 to front full, step into arabesque but the step takes her OOB. Double tuck, high and clean, great landing.

6:06 pm. Ashlee Sullivan BB: Candle mount. Double wolf turn. Standing arabian, little check but gets it! Bhs loso loso, came up short and buckled on the first loso landing and really didn’t have a chance at getting the second one to hit. Front aerial to jump series. Strong double pike, step back.

6:03 pm. Madray Johnson BB: Bhs loso loso, good! The rest was hit, had a big double tuck dismount. 13.500

Joscelyn Roberson FX: Moors, some form in the air but good on the landing. Hit the full-twisting double layout well. Front full through to double tuck, bounces back OOB. Great landing on the front layout through to double pike! 13.300

Charlotte Booth VT: Yurchenko 1.5, mostly tight in the air, great landing, small hop. 13.600

6:02 pm. Leanne Wong UB: Clear hip half to straddle Jaeger, nice height. Toe full to Bhardwaj, some leg form, Maloney to Pak, clean, van Leeuwen, stuck the double layout dismount. LEANNE! 14.000

5:59 pm. Alicia Zhou VT: Yurchenko full, some pike, hop back. 13.200

Katelyn Jong UB: Good handstand before the inbar full, arched over a bit, to Chow to Pak, some leg separation, to van Leeuwen, more leg separation, inbar to inbar half to straddle Jaeger, good, if a bit far, stalder to full-in, a little crooked but good landing! 14.050

Addison Fatta BB: Bhs loso was strong. Wasn’t typing but she hit the rest! 13.000

Tiana Sumanasekera FX: Really clean double tuck. Switch ring to switch full. Front layout to front double full. Double pike with a slight hop back. 13.150

Jade Carey VT: Cheng, block was sadly WILD, not great in the air or on the landing either. Bit rough there. Couldn’t see if her hand went down but it was very close. 13.950

Also did a Yurchenko double, still some form in the air but much better on ALL accounts than the Cheng. Averaged a 13.975.

5:58 pm. Touch for the second half!

5:54 pm. Simone Biles FX: Full-twisting double layout, strong landing. This looks MUCH better as her first pass compared to where it was in her classics routine! It looked a bit labored there, I think as her second or third pass? Front full through to double double, CASUAL? Hit her leap pass, then a Biles, big step forward OOB. Switch full. Finishes with a Double layout, hop back. 14.800

5:52 pm. Kaliya Lincoln BB: Double wolf turn, not bad! Bhs layout, solid! Front aerial, pause, split jump to straddle jump. Switch, little wobble, doesn’t connect to the switch half. Good side aerial. Strong double pike, step back. 13.250

5:49 pm. Levi Jung-Ruivivar BB: Got the wolf turn around. Big wobble on the flight series but had a great fight through it. Switch leap to split leap, always love her leaps. Hit the front aerial to split jump. Got the dismount. 12.300

Jordan Chiles FX: Strong 1.5 through to full-in! Double layout, maybe a little low in her set, but not bad, hopped back. Front layout through to double tuck, a few steps back OOB, and a double pike to finish, maybe a little short, but I’ll chalk that up to endurance. 13.100

Shilese Jones UB: Stalder full to Chow to Tkachev, nice. Toe full to Downie to Pak, slight leg form on the latter. For the dismount she had a front giant to double front, cowboyed but stuck!! 14.900!

5:48 pm. Lexi Zeiss UB: Toe full to van Leeuwen, some form, Ezhova, some ankles there, good handstand before I think a shaposh to Pak IIRC, Maloney to Gienger, a little low but gets it. Strong full-in dismount. 13.700

5:45 pm. Zoe Miller FX: Strong double layout to start. Hit the full-in and double full after. Double tuck ended up low, looked like she put her hand down but I couldn’t see if it actually touched the mat, bars is blocking me for that corner, sorry! 11.800

Kayla DiCello BB: Had a wobble on the tour jeté half I tihnk it was? Bhs loso loso with a wobble as well. Short on the switch half, and a wobble again. Front aerial doesn’t connect to the jump series. Ughhh, sat the double pike. 11.700

Suni Lee VT: Strong and clean Yurchenko full! 13.350

5:43 pm. Amelia Disidore VT: Super high Yurchenko double! Twisted fast, mostly clean, good landing. 13.600

Nola Matthews UB: Straddle Jaeger, nice handstand before the Ricna, Pak is clean, good toe full Into the van Leeuwen, but she didn’t get the lift she needed there, bent her knees and couldn’t reach the high bar. Back on and does it again, gets it no problem this time, stalder, and a dobule layout, deep with a hop. 12.400

5:40 pm. Marissa Neal VT: Big Yurchenko 1.5! 13.600

Michelle Pineda UB: Toe half to piked Jaeger, good. Toe full to Pak, toe shoot, blind change to her dismount, hit! 12.800

Skye Blakely BB: Triple wolf turn got a bit wild and she had to stand up out of it. Nailed the standing full, though! A step forward on the front series. Good switch to switch half to back tuck. Got the front aerial to split jump to back handspring. Side aerial. Small step on the double pike dismount. Good recovery after the wolf drama! 14.050

Myli Lew FX: Hit the first pass and then a 1.5 to front full. Double full to finish with some form and a big hop back. 12.100

Eveylynn Lowe VT: Yurchenko 1.5, some soft form but great landing! 13.750

5:38 pm. Here’s the start list for the second rotation!

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5:36 pm. Rotation 1 Standings

1. Simone Biles 14.450
2. Skye Blakely 14.400
3. Shilese Jones 14.350
4. Leanne Wong 14.250
5. Katelyn Jong 13.850
– Tiana Sumanasekera 13.850
7. Michelle Pineda 13.550
8. Lexi Zeiss 13.450

5:34 pm. Madray Johnson UB: Stalder full to Maloney to Pak, some leg separation, to toe-on to van Leeuwen, some legs again, but nice series! Toe half to straddle Jaeger, good. High clean double tuck with a step back. 12.900

5:29 pm. Addison Fatta UB: Big piked Jaeger, then a Church to Pak, nice! Maloney to Gienger, some hip form, double layout, first flip was a little piked but she straightened it up. 13.350

Tiana Sumanasekera BB: Candle mount. Bhs bhs layout, awesome! Front aerial to split jump to Korbut. Had a split ring jump and then a clean jump series, full turn, slight check. Double pike, small step back. 13.850

Alicia Zhou FX: Clean double pike, hop back. Good 1.5 to front full. Switch ring to tour jeté half. Clean double tuck, but a really deep landing there. 12.700

5:26 pm. Simone Biles BB: Hit the mount with a wobble and an OOH from the crowd. Switch to switch half to back pike, good! Hit the wolf turn and jumps. Super strong bhs loso loso! Big full-in dismount. 14.450

Kaliya Lincoln UB: Stalder full, a little late. Stopped typing after that but she hit everything! Van Leeuwen went a little crooked, really clean double tuck. 12.800

Amelia Disidore FX: Didn’t see her opening pass but she hit, then a full-in. Good double pike, small hop back. 13.350

5:25 pm. Katelyn Jong VT: Yurchenko double, not super powerful but not bad either! Small bounce back. 13.850

5:23 pm. Jordan Chiles BB: bhs loso loso, good! Otherwise looked good, had a couple of wobbles, Including on the side aerial, but nothing major? Double pike with a hop back. 13.000

Levi Jung-Ruivivar UB: Caught her first release, then a stalder to Ricna to Pak, nice! van Leeuwen form was a bit all over the place but she caught! Full-in went a little crooked and underrotated, put her hands down sadly. 12.000

Eveylynn Lowe FX: Big arabian double front, ran out of it. Switch ring. Hit the next couple of passes, ending was a double tuck. 12.700

Shilese Jones VT: Strong Yurchenko double! HUGE, too. 14.350

5:22 pm. Lexi Zeiss VT: Yurchenko 1.5, some knee form, but a solid landing! 13.450

5:20 pm. Touch for the second half!

5:15 pm. Zoe Miller BB: Bhs loso loso, actually looked like her foot wobbled on the first loso landing but didn’t affect her. Front aerial to split jump to back tuck, nice. Switch to switch half, not close to 180. Side aerial with a slight adjustment. Cross straight jump full. Lovely flexibility hold before her ending choreo. Dismounts with a double pike, chest down and a step forward. 13.050

5:13 pm. Myli Lew BB: Nice leap series to back tuck. Nice series into the Korbut as well. Good wolf turn. Bhs loso, nice extension, has a wobble where her leg comes up though. Side aerial, small step back. Just a layout dismount, step back, she’s lovely to watch, this would have been so good without those wobbles! 13.050

5:11 pm. Marissa Neal FX: Really nice arabian double front in the air, just too far forward on the landing and takes a big step. Tucked full-in with a slight hop. Good 2.5 and then a double tuck to finish. 12.900

Kayla DiCello UB: Toe full, gets stuck halfway around and comes off. Gets it the second time to Maloney to clear hip to Church, big piked Jaeger, Pak, some leg separation, great handstand before the van Leeuwen, pretty clean work there, and a strong full-in to finish. Really great routine, WILD that she had to have that mistake at the very beginning. 12.300

5:07 pm. Charlotte Booth FX: Front double full with a step forward. 2.5 ends up a bit short and she has a big stumble forward, not sure if she put her hands down. Split ring leap was nice. Landed the double tuck. 12.500

Nola Matthews VT: Clean Yurchenko full with a big hop back. 13.150

Dulcy Caylor BB: Love her mount. She hit everything I saw but was really deep on the 2.5 dismount, knee almost to the mat but saved it. 12.200

Skye Blakely UB: Stalder half to a kind of low piked Jaeger, Downie to Pak, nice. Toe full to van Leeuwen, toe half to front giant to double front half-out with a small bounce. WOO! 14.400

5:06 pm. Kelise Woolford UB: Went for a toe full but muscled it and only got it halfway around, restarted and then dia a Maloney to Pak, van Leeuwen, some body line and leg deductions, big straddle Jaeger, stalder, and a full-in dismount. 12.350

Michelle Pineda VT: Yurchenko 1.5, I didn’t see much of it but she landed it. 13.550

5:03 pm. Ashlee Sullivan UB: Had a Maloney to Tkachev, blind full, and double layout dismount. 12.950

Leanne Wong VT: Really strong Yurchenko double! 14.250

Does a Lopez for her second vault, big bounce back but not bad otherwise! Think she averaged a 14.075.

Jade Carey FX: Moors and then a double double! Amazing. Front layout through to double pike, and then the double tuck at the end was a bit short, but damn, her tumbling is back! 13.350

Joscelyn Roberson BB: Standing full, casual! Chest maybe a little low. Had a wobble on a series after that but hit the side aerial loso loso! Hit her jump series. Strong double pike dismount. 13.200

5:02 pm. Here’s the rotation one start list!

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4:59 pm. Touch is beginning now for the senior WAG competition!


By: Lauren
Title: 2023 U.S. Championships | Senior Women Day 1 Live Blog
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 23:59:58 +0000

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