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2023 U.S. Championships | Senior Men Day 1 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for for the first day of senior men’s competition at the 2023 U.S. Championships, held in San Jose, California!

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7:37 pm. Day 1 Standings

1. Asher Hong 85.615
2. Yul Moldauer 85.548
3. Fred Richard 85.469
4. Khoi Young 84.781
5. Paul Juda 84.352
6. Colt Walker 83.811
7. Donnell Whittenburg 83.622
8. Riley Loos 83.369
9. Shane Wiskus 83.150
10. Dalla Hale 82.890

7:34 pm. Taylor Christopulos FX: Went for a double twisting double layout but was a bit loose and hands were down. Also sat the second pass, front layout to double front I think? Double double, chest down but no fall there thankfully! 2.5 to punch front, hand down on the last pass, I think a went for a 3.5? Bummed about the falls here.

7:28 pm. Cameron Bock PB: Good barani, handstands are mostly clean, front straddle salto, good. Bhavsar, Tippelt was clean and steady, double pike with a couple of steps back, good work.

7:27 pm. Jackson Harrison FX: I missed their first pass. Front double full to punch for the second, good! Whip to 2.5 I think, small step. Leap series got applause! Full-in to finish, step forward. Got ALL the applause!

7:25 pm. Alex Diab SR: Gonna try to watch what I can of this! His planche positions look good from here, drops to iron cross, could straighten his body line a bit in handstand, double layout dismount, good landing.

Connor McCool VT: Kaz 1.5, super solid on the landing!

Paul Juda PB: Hit everything I saw at the beginning. Stuck the double front dismount with a little bobble.

7:23 pm. Asher Hong PH: Got through the flairs easily, and transitions out of them band back into them well. A little rushed into the dismount, but a hit routine!

7:21 pm. Fred Richard PB: Held the first handstand forever, but then fell out of the pirouette after, had a lot of adjustments to fix it but good save. Hit the rest.

Kameron Nelson FX: Triple back! Bounced back OOB. Nice double double. Couldn’t see most of the rest but think he had a hit.

Khoi Young PH: Noooo, he dropped onto the horse the second I looked over, fall.

7:19 pm. Maxim Bereznev FX: Started with a really nice triple full.

Donnell Whittenburg HB: Tak half, some leg form to layout Tkachev, hop full, blind change to front giant, Tak full with some leg form, Endo, Zou Li Min, Yamawaki, stalder, double double layout, great landing!

7:13 pm. Rotation 5 Standings

1. Asher Hong 72.165
2. Yul Moldauer 71.298
3. Khoi Young 71.102
4. Paul Juda 70.852
5. Fred Richard 70.769
6. Donnell Whittenburg 70.022
7. Taylor Burkhart 69.959
8. Colt Walker 69.911

7:09 pm. Riley Loos FX: Front double full to double front, piked double front with a hop forward, randi with a small hop back, double full, 2.5 to front layout, triple full, actually a little overrotated I think!

7:05 pm. Stephen Nedoroscik PH: I couldn’t see this SADLY but gonna wait for the score. 15.457, which is a 14.85 without bonus.

Chase Davenport-Mills HB: Had some great connected Tkachevs and has a really nice swing in general. Full-twisting double layout, goes really far there.

7:02 pm. Colt Walker FX: Piked double front, small hop. I couldn’t see the second but he hit. Hit the third into a front tuck full I think?

Jackson Harrison HB: Straddle Tkachev to Gienger, LOVE! Straddle Jaeger, double front, too far back on their heels and they sit it.

6:59 pm. Asher Hong FX: I think a front double full to double front? Then a front full to piked double front, sits it. Ughhh. Double double layout, small hop OOB. 2.5 to front layout. Triple full, some ankles in the air, a little short on the landing.

6:57 pm. Paul Juda VT: Kaz 1.5 today, good landing.

Shane Wiskus PH: I missed this but looked like a hit?

Cameron Bock VT: Had a really deep landing on his vault.

Khoi Young FX: Noooo, I missed this! 14.650!

6:55 pm. Donnell Whittenburg PB: Front salto to handstand, turns out of it back to handstand, strong, fell out of a transition from the single rail but did a good job to get his composure back, double tuck between the bars, huge front straddle salto, double front half dismount, solid.

6:54 pm. Fred Richard VT: Handspring double front, a bit overrotated with a bounce forward.

6:52 pm. Taylor Burkhart FX: Only saw the last pass, got a bit loose on the triple full landing.

Taylor Christopulos HB: Strong work from what I saw. Had a nice Tkachev and hop full, double double layout dismount with a step.

Yul Moldauer SR: Couldn’t see this at all but it was a hit

6:48 pm. Rotation 4 Standings

1. Asher Hong 58.604
2. Fred Richard 57.019
3. Yul Moldauer 56.884
4. Donnell Whittenburg 56.572
5. Khoi Young 56.452
6. Colt Walker 56.361
7. Paul Juda 56.252
8. Riley Loos 55.805

6:44 pm. Jeremy Bischoff HB: Zou Li Min, Kolman, layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev, Tak full was really late, Tak half, some leg form and a bit late, stalder, and a double double layout dismount, stuck!

6:41 pm. Colt Walker HB: Zou Li Min, Kolman, nice Kovacs, layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev, slips and falls sadly. Hit everything after he remounted, including the dismount.

Paul Juda SR: Hit routine!

6:38 pm. Asher Hong HB: Zou Li Min, Kolman, huge air, a little messy, but wow! German giants to stalder, straddle Tkachev, double double layout, small hop.

6:34 pm. Taylor Burkhart HB: Wasn’t typing but he had some beautiful work here! Amazing set.

6:32 pm. Shane Wiskus FX: Beautiful double double! Front double full to front layout. Clean double full. Punched into something out of a 2.5, I couldn’t see what, and hit the triple full well!

Yul Moldauer PH: I couldn’t see most of this but looked like he hit?

6:27 pm. Blake Sun HB: Had a hard fall early on, kind of landed with his head on the support mat and his body on the lower level mat. Oof but seems okay. Back on, a little whippy on a layout Kovacs, and was wild on the dismount, kind of flew out of it.

Michael Jaroh VT: A bit wild on the landing on his kaz 1.5.

6:25 pm. Riley Loos HB: I think he had a Liukin, I just saw him twisting mid-air on what I thought was a Tkachev, maybe? Has little things in some of his swinging elements, got the full-twisting double layout on his toes.

Donnell Whittenburg VT: Kaz 1.5, strong landing.

6:21 pm. Rotation 3 Standings

1. Asher Hong 45.204
2. Curran Phillips 43.769
3. Colt Walker 43.411
4. Khoi Young 43.052
5. Fred Richard 42.969
6. Riley Loos 42.805
7. Yul Moldauer 42.665
8. Paul Juda 42.102

6:17 pm. Paul Juda PH: Scissors into circles then right into flairs, Bushari back into flairs, travels in flairs, he’s so controlled, beautiful transition into the dismount, fantastic!

6:16 pm. Curran Philips HB: Layout Tkachev, Cassina, slight leg form but not bad, Kolman, Tkachev to piked Tkachev, killing it. Steps back on the dismount but he killed this routine.

6:12 pm. Colt Walker PB: Body line went a little wonky on a one-arm pirouette, but this was strong otherwise. Double front with a hop forward.

Fred Richard PH: Couldn’t see this really but saw that he hit!

6:10 pm. Asher Hong PB: Nice work at the start, Tippelt had some adjustments, Makuts, everything else solid, hit the dismount!

Donnell Whittenburg with a 15.261 on SR btw!! I’m missing literally everything over there.

6:07 pm. Shane Wiskus HB: Cassina, had some form early on and then didn’t rotate it well, sadly a fall there. Back on, does it again with some leg form, Kolman, layout Tkachev (looked like he brushed his feet), stalder Tkachev, lunge forward on the dismount.

Khoi Young PB: Really quick but controlled work. Beautiful piked double back.

6:06 pm. Kameron Nelson VT: Awesome landing position on the handspring double front!

6:03 pm. Blake Sun PB: Beautiful single rail hold. Had a few little things here and there but overall stunning work. Piked double back.

Yul Moldauer FX: Stumbled on the first thing I saw, a front double full to front full maybe, I only saw the end. Arabain double front half was gorg in the air.

5:59 pm. Connor McCool FX: HUUUUGE double double half-out! Damn, okay. Double double, chest down and a small hop. 2.5 to front layout I think, I couldn’t see for a sec. Had a triple full at the end, great! Also did a Tinsica to something but I couldn’t see what, front double full?? Awesome.

Riley Loos PB: What I saw of this was great! held some handstands for hours.

5:57 pm. Jackson Harrison VT: Yurchenko double, step back! Love them!

Evan Manivong FX: Love his twisting. Had a great triple full at the end.

Jeremy Bischoff PB: Hit routine, full-in dismount with a good landing.

5:49 pm. Rotation 2 Standings

1. Curran Phillips 30.797
2. Asher Hong 30.454
3. Fred Richard 29.169
4. Khoi Young 28.702
5. Yul Moldauer 28.655
6. Brandon Briones 28.600
7. Riley Loos 28.505
8. Shane Wiskus 28.400

5:46 pm. Fred Richard FX: Double double half-out, a little forward on the landing. Hit the second pass. Strong double double. Double full, little bobble. 2.5 to front layout, step forward. Arabian double front half-out to finish.

Sorry I’m not posting scores! It’s all happening so fast. Most notable is Phillips’ 16.147 on PB! 15.55 without bonus.

On vault, Hong went 15.455 and Young was at 15.402. Only a 12.85 for Moldauer on HB.

5:45 pm. Mike Fletcher HB: Cassina, Kolman, some little things when he catches both, but he’s solid overall, layout Tkachev, full-twisting double layout clean with a hop.

5:42 pm. Yul Moldauer HB: Wasn’t typing but he hit his releases, hop full, one-arm giant, full-twisting double layout, little bobble that caused him to take a step back, but great routine!

Isaiah Drake PB: Stuck the double pike dismount!

Donnell Whittenburg PH: I jumped into this late but he hit everything in the second half!

5:39 pm. Shane Wiskus PB: Front toss through to handstand, nice, one-arm out back to handstand, adjusts slightly, barani, big straddle salto, slight muscle up on the subsequent handstand, Bhavsar, Tippelt was really nice, NOOOOOO, sits the double front.

5:38 am. Asher Hong VT: Tsuk double tuck, really strong! Step on the landing IIRC, I just saw him hit and got excited.

5:36 pm. Khoi Young VT: Handspring randi, EXCELLENT!!! Crushed the landing and it was strong in the air too.

Javier Alonso FX: He had a GORGEOUS arabian double front at the end. Otherwise he was excellent!

Landon Simpson PH: Just happened to glance across the arena as he was flying off the horse on his flairs.

5:31 pm. Cameron Bock FX: FX 2.5 to front layout to front full was nice.

Riley Loos VT: Handspring randi, some leg form in the air but a solid landing.

Vahe Petrosyan PB: Looked like he had a fall, I wasn’t paying close attention but thought I saw him walk away at one point? Dismount was a little uncontrolled,

Evan Manivong HB: REALLY hard fall on a release, kind of turned in the air while falling, I don’t know what he meant to do, I just saw him leave the bar, eek, he’s okay though. Stuck the full-twisting double layout.

5:29 pm. Curran Phillips PB: Good at the start, got some pirouettes around easily, arched over a little in a single rail transition and then rushed a little into the next one, straddle salto, nice air, full pirouette, clean double front, hop forward.

5:25 pm. Rotation 1 Standings

1. Yul Moldauer 15.805
2. Fred Richard 15.105
3. Asher Hong 14.999
4. Curran Phillips 14.650
5. Shane Wiskus 14.500
6. J.R. Chou 14.300
7. Donnell Whittenburg 14.261
8. Brandon Briones 14.250

5:21 pm. 13.5 for Taylor Christopulos on PH, 14.005 for Crew Bold on HB.

5:19 pm. Fred Richard HB: I caught it from the Kolman, also hit a layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev to piked Tkachev, hop full to one arm giant, blind change, front giant, Tak full was a bit late and crooked, Tak half was better, double double layout with a hop forward.

5:17 pm. Routines that I missed before I got situated…Asher Hong 14.999 on SR, Colt Walker 14.2 on SR, Riley Loos 14.033 on SR, Brandon Briones 14.25 on SR, Curran Phillips 14.65 on VT, Paul Juda 13.2 HB, Cameron Bock 13.4 HB…I think those are all the big ones?

Yul Moldauer just went 15.805 on PB with bonus! Without, should be 15.4!

5:16 pm. Donnell Whittenburg FX: Went out of bounds on the first pass I saw but stuck the front layout full to double front. Think he had a 2.5 to punch front? Good landing on the double double. Arabian double front half-out with a hop to the side to finish.

Crew Bold HB: Kolman, layout Tkachev, piked Tkachev, great dismount!

5:14 pm. Yul Moldauer PB: My view for this is AMAZING. And he crushed this. Sorry, still getting situated, but every skill looked amazing and he stuck the double front half-out, then yelled THAT’S HOW YOU START! LET’S GO! This set was everything.

5:11 pm. Landen Blixt HB: Saw most of this, no big errors!

J.R. Chou PB: I’m literally facing p-bars from like 10 feet away, it’s terrifying, but this was a great routine, hit the double front dismount.

It’s almost impossible for me to see rings FYI. Side angle so good for handstands but it’s very far away and p-bars is fully blocking me.

5:10 pm. Shane Wiskus VT: Just stuck a Kaz 1.5, feet apart and maybe directionally not perfect but it was pretty great!

5:09 pm. I think I came into the arena like five minutes late like an idiot, but ready to go now!


By: Lauren
Title: 2023 U.S. Championships | Senior Men Day 1 Live Blog
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 00:10:00 +0000

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