Monday, Sep 23, 2024

2023 U.S. Championships | Senior Men Day 2 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for for the second day of senior men’s competition at the 2023 U.S. Championships, held in San Jose, California!

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4:36 pm. Riley Loos FX: Front double full to double front, ends up really deep and stumbles back. Piked double front with a small hop. Randi with a small hop. Double full down the side, clean. 2.5 to front layout, good! Triple full, small hop back.

Evan Manivong VT: Kaz 2.5, some bent knees and a step forward.

Michael Jaroh HB: Yamawaki, a little close but gets it into the Endo, a little muscled. Hit the rest well, good landing on his dismount!

4:32 pm. Here are the start lists for the next rotation
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4:30 pm. Rotation 7 Standings

1. Yul Moldauer 99.762
2. Fred Richard 99.571
3. Asher Hong 98.765
4. Paul Juda 98.402
5. Khoi Young 98.081
6. Donnell Whittenburg 97.522
7. Colt Walker 97.411
8. Dallas Hale 97.340

4:28 pm. Brandon Briones HB: Cassina, slight leg form, Kolman was good, stalder to stalder Tkachev, layout Tkachev to straddle Tkachev, Rybalko, a bit late on the finish, L grip giants, Tak full was a bit crooked and late, Tak half also a little late, full-twisting double layout stuck COLD! 13.812

4:26 pm. Zachary Nunez FX: Piked double front with a lunge forward. Tucked version, some cowboy and a hop. Front double full to front layout, tiny hop. 1.5 to front full, small hop forward. 2.5 with a hop to the side to finish. 13.350

4:23 pm. Blake Sun HB: Went hard on his layout Tkachev but was too far under the bar when he went to catch it, fall. Hit the rest after getting back on. 11.700

Jackson Harrison FX: Double double, small step back. Front double full to front layout. Whip to 2.5 I think? OOB it looks like. Applause for their leap series! 1.5 to front full, tiny bounce. Full-in to finish, low chest and a lunge forward. Massive applause for them, IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! 13.300

4:22 pm. Vahe Petrosyan PH: I missed the beginning but he had nice flair work and a strong transition from Russians back into flairs. Got stuck into the dismount and didn’t quite make it to handstand before the dismount. 12.100

4:20 pm. Taylor Burkhart HB: Caught the first release, which I missed, then connected a layout and straddle Tkachev, piked Tkachev, idk, his layout and pike shapes are kind of interchangeable? Stalder 1.5 was all over the place, stalder, hit the dismount. 13.000

Kameron Nelson FX: Triple back, great! 1.5 to double front, sat it sadly. Think he had a double double for the third pass, I missed the entry. 2.5 to front layout with a good landing. 1.5 to front full. Strong arabian double front half to finish. 12.803

4:17 pm. Colt Walker HB: Tak half, Kolman, nice, Kovacs also good, layout Tkachev, then connected a straddle and piked Tkachev, one-arm giant, and a double double layout with a little scoot back. 13.600

Stephen Nedoroscik PH: Beginning work with the Busnari and flairs was nice, went well into the circles after, some closed hips, one-arm swing was nice, loses form while moving in russians, but fixes it pretty quickly, a little bit of a muscle to get it to the dismount, but no real issues! 15.844

4:15 pm. Shane Wiskus PH: Scissors to circles, good work on the single handle, and good transitions down to the horse, Russians on the single handle, travels in Russians, loses leg form a bit both times he does this, getting a bit rushed and sloppy near the end but holds it together and hits the dismount! 12.850

Jeremy Bischoff HB: Wasn’t typing during this but it was a strong set from what I did see, looked like he stuck the dismount! 12.950

4:14 pm. Fred Richard VT: Dragulescu with a step to the side. 14.102

Donnell Whittenburg PB: Easy on his first few pirouettes, a little rushed out of a transition between the bars, muscles it up a bit, double back between the bars was nice, big front straddle salto, double front half dismount, hop back. 13.900

4:12 pm. Asher Hong HB: Big Kolman, German giants to stalder, big straddle Tkachev, blind change to front giant to L grip giant to Tak full, a little crooked, Tak half, and a double double layout with a small hop. 13.150

Taylor Christopulos FX: Double twisting double layout, some soft knees and a hop back. Double double is better. 2.5 to punch front then a 1.5 to front tuck full. Triple full unsteady on the landing, step OOB.

4:11 pm. Paul Juda VT: Kaz 1.5, beautiful in the air, small hop to the side OOB. 14.050

4:08 pm. Riley Loos HB: Yamawaki, I keep missing the entry to the skill where he twists in a release, is he doing a Liukin? He did connect a straddle and piked Tkachev. Good full-twisting double layout dismount. 13.000

Yul Moldauer SR: Everything I’ve seen so far has been pretty clean. Strong saltos to iron cross, just swinging a little. Tries to stick the double double dismount but has to take a small hop. 14.214

4:03 pm. Khoi Young HB: Yamawaki to Endo, some front giant work, Tak full, Tak half, layout Tkachev kinda brushed the bar, straddle Tkachev, stalder, small hop on the dismount. 13.300

Cameron Bock VT: Kaz 1.5 with a small hop. 14.100

Chase Davenport Mills FX: Front full to double front. Randi with a little bounce. Also had a front double full and big triple full to finish. 13.600

Landen Blixt VT: Didn’t see what he did but the landing was good, small step.

4:01 pm. Start lists for rotation one! Note that not everyone does every event, but it’s a general idea.

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3:58 pm. National anthem is over, and the touch is underway!


By: Lauren
Title: 2023 U.S. Championships | Senior Men Day 2 Live Blog
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:00:56 +0000

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