Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy series is a refreshing show, bringing a unique spin to the superhero TV space. The series is based on the comic book series of the same name, written by iconic MCR frontman, author Gerard Way.
Following the mysterious birth of 43 children all born on the same day in October 1989, eccentric scientist Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopts 7 of them. Before this day, none of the children’s mothers had shown signs of being pregnant. As we find out in the series, each of these children has their own unique power — some of which are more useful than others.
In this article, we’ll be breaking down each of the main characters’ powers and ranking them. If you’re yet to check out the show we suggest you do so before continuing as there will be some mild spoilers in the descriptions.
9. Diego
Diego is the most skilled hand-to-hand fighter in The Umbrella Academy, but his ability is rather subtle. Like Marvel’s Bullseye, he has the power to manipulate the trajectory of an object, which he often implements with his signature knives. Between his knife-throwing, hand-to-hand proficiency, and staff-wielding ability, Diego is dangerous. However, he is less dangerous than his other family members.
8. Lila
While Lila did not grow up with the Hargreeves, she is another spawn of one of the 43 women. Early in her life, the Company found her and kidnapped her after murdering her family. She was raised by The Handler as her own and becomes a secret weapon of sorts in season 2.
This becomes somewhat of a problem as her power is the ability to mirror those around her. When she is in the vicinity of anyone, she replicates their powers, which makes her as powerful as anyone in the room. However, she does not often use this ability as much as she could, making her a lower-tier superhuman.
7. Luther
Luther was always strong, but early on in the series, it is revealed exactly how this strength was increased. After being injured in a devastating accident, Number 1 undergoes a life-threatening surgery that morphs his body with that of a gorilla’s, resulting in an extremely muscular and abnormally large physique.
These attributes complement his powers of superhuman strength and enhanced resilience allowing him to deal devastating blows with his hands while absorbing ample punishment himself.
6. Allison
While her superpower may not be combat-orientated, there is no denying the strength of Allison Hargreeves. Her power allows her to command anyone to do as she pleases simply by prefacing a statement with “I heard a rumor.”
This ability has many surprising and frankly terrifying applications. With the proper training, her powers of influence could arguably rival that of the Scarlet Witch. She also has prowess when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.
5. Klaus
Like many of his siblings, Klaus learns to develop and evolve his powers throughout the series. What first appears to be only the ability to talk to the dead becomes a powerful ability that rivals all others. After Klaus accepts his calling to speak to the dead, he later learns to conjure them to appear in the real world.
The most important of his abilities and why he takes a place so high on the list is that Klaus is immortal. He cultivates his powers so much that even after death, he is able to resurrect himself. It’s hard to argue with him being powerful he can’t be killed, right?
4. Ben
Similar to Klaus, not having to take death into account can make someone quite powerful. Having died before the series began, Ben is seen alongside Klaus during the show and in later stages, shows that he can possess living people.
However, that wasn’t the power that Ben was born with. He has one of the more horrific powers as he can summon eldritch terrors from a portal in his stomach, which can inflict devastating damage on his foes. Whether living or dead, this ability is extremely powerful and a great asset for the team.
3. Five
Five is one of the most mysterious characters in the show and displays some mind-blowing power. The 2 key abilities that Five has are the ability to teleport and the ability to travel through time. These abilities are connected since he’s bending either space or time with his traveling.
This ability also resulted in molding time to such a degree that he de-aged himself when finally finding his family again. An experienced mind in a young body proves time and time again to be The Umbrella Academy’s secret weapon.
2. Harlan
Harlan’s powers are as terrible as anyone’s, particularly because he got them from Viktor. In the 1960s timeline, Viktor accidentally gifts Harlan his powers, but because he has no control over them, causing many consequences. While grieving for the death of his mother, he sends out a shockwave that kills all of The Umbrella Academy’s mothers before they give birth, causing a time paradox and the end of the world. Harlan’s lack of training is the only reason he isn’t the most powerful member of the superhuman community.
1. Viktor
There was no real competition for the number one spot on this list as the show’s first season highlights just how much more powerful Viktor is than his siblings. Viktor has the ability to manipulate sound to be used as a weapon. He can use this energy both for offense and defense creating a barrier around himself.
This main ability also gives rise to other applications such as telekinesis and even flight. There is no messing around when it comes to taking on Viktor and as we’ve seen, it’s not a task you should attempt alone.
By: Ryan Galloway
Title: All the ‘Umbrella Academy’ characters’ powers, ranked
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Published Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 14:02:02 +0000