Filmmaker Raj Kaushal’s death on June 30 following a heart attack came as a massive shock to the Hindi film and television industry. The beloved filmmaker is survived by his wife, actor Mandira Bedi and their two children. Following his death, Mandira was inconsolable but her friends swiftly came to her aid. Her residence was swarmed by close friends and colleagues who arrived to pay their last respects to Raj Kaushal and they’ve been there for her even now, making regular visits.
One of them has been actor Mouni Roy who has been a strong pillar of support for Mandira Bedi. The Naagin actress was papped visiting Mandira’s residence today. Earlier in the day, she had posted a message of strength of the grieving actress on her Instagram handle.
Sharing pictures of the two of them together, Mouni Ro had captioned the post: “MY BABY STRONGEST”. While she did stop for the paps, Mouni ensured that she maintained social distancing and did not take off her mask.
By: Filmfare
Title: Mouni Roy visits her close friend Mandira Bedi
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Published Date: 2021-07-13 18:28:29
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