Sunday, Mar 16, 2025

2024 European Championships | Senior MAG Event Finals Day 1 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for the first day of senior MAG event finals at the 2024 European Championships, held in Rimini, Italy!

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2:13 pm. Rings Final Standings

1. Eleftherios Petrounias, Greece, 15.000
2. Nikita Simonov, Azerbaijan, 14.900
3. Adem Asil, Türkiye, 14.900
4. Artur Avetisyan, Armenia, 14.800
– Vinzenz Höck, Austria, 14.800
6. Courtney Tulloch, Great Britain, 14.700
7. Salvatore Maresca, Italy, 14.566
8. Ibrahim Cola, Türkiye, 14.500

2:10 pm. Eleftherios Petrounias GRE SR: Planche to inverted planche with a pushup to maltese, excellent. Saltos to iron cross, palms open, solid. Inverted hang with a swing up to maltese, back giant to handstand, pretty excellent, front giant to planche down to iron cross, front giant to handstand, tiniest adjustment, but SO minor, double double with the tiniest bounce. Well, THAT will be golden! And it is! 15.000 (6.3, 8.700)

2:08 pm. Ibrahim Colak TUR SR: Maltese, swings up to planche, out to iron cross, saltos to maltese, little adjustment, through to iron cross with his signature grin, front giant to handstand, pretty solid, back giant is a bit weaker with some shaking and swinging, piked double front with a small hop. 14.500 (5.9, 8.600)

2:05 pm. Vinzenz Höck AUT SR: Wasn’t typing for this routine but it was hit from what I saw! 14.800 (6.1, 8.700)

2:01 pm. Salvatore Maresca ITA SR: Maltese, front giant to inverted cross, doesn’t QUITE make the handstand super clean, saltos to maltese, opens to iron cross, excellent handstand before the dismount, holds it for 20 years, full-twisting double layout, hips are a little closed and he lands a bit short. 14.566 (6.2, 8.366)

1:59 pm. Little pause for part two of warmups!

1:56 pm. Nikita Simonov AZE SR: Rolls up through to planche at the start, down to inverted hang then out to maltese, front handstand to inverted cross, saltos through to maltese, planche to iron cross, his control looks really nice overall, inverted pike to front giant to handstand, clean hold, full-twisting double layout with a GREAT landing. This was excellent. 14.900 (6.2, 8.700)

1:53 pm. Adem Asil TUR SR: Maltese, inverted cross is a tiny bit shaky, to saltos into a maltese, planche, slight adjustment, down to iron cross, front giant to handstand, another slight adjustment, double double dismount, chest down but otherwise landed well, small hop. 14.900 (6.3, 8.600)

1:50 pm. Artur Avetisyan ARM SR: Inverted cross with minor sway in his back, clean down to maltese, saltos to handstand, front giant through to maltese out to iron cross, planche, back giant to handstand, a little arched, full-twisting double layout with a tiny hop. 14.800 (6.1, 8.700)

1:47 pm. Courtney Tulloch GBR SR: Planche through to maltese, inverted hang out to maltese, saltos to handstand, iron cross, good handstand work, clean full-twisting double layout, landing looked stuck! 14.700 (6.0, 8.700)

1:43 pm. Athletes have marched out for rings! Warmups now and then we should be underway shortly.

1:30 pm. Medals time for pommels! Will be back for rings soon, 15 minutes or so?

1:24 pm. Pommel Horse Final Standings

1. Rhys McClenaghan, Ireland, 15.300
2. Loran de Munck, Netherlands, 14.933
3. Marios Georgiou, Cyprus, 14.800
4. Matteo Giubellini, Switzerland, 14.600
5. Filip Ude, Croatia, 14.533
6. Levan Skhiladze, Georgia, 14.233
7. Oleg Verniaiev, Ukraine, 14.200
8. Ilia Liubimov, Israel, 13.133
9. Gagik Khachikyan, Armenia, 12.466

1:21 pm. Filip Ude CRO PH: I forgot there were nine in this final and almost missed this omg. Russian elements looked pretty solid, and the rest was hit, just had a big muscle up into the dismount! 14.533 (5.8, 8.733)

1:18 pm. Rhys McClenaghan IRL PH: Huge scissor to handstand to start, so clean, this is what form looks like tbh, Russians on the handle, to circles on the other handle, Russians between the handles, good form on basically everything throughout, travels without issue, starts to lose hip and leg form slightly in the Russians at the end of the horse but brings it back cleanly into the dismount. 15.300 (6.5, 8.800)

1:15 pm. Levan Skhiladze GEO PH: Scissor work was fine, nice height in his circles throughout, Russians also with good clearance, travels without issue, gets a little floppy near the end and really has to force himself into the dismount, but good fight and a hit! 14.233 (5.8, 8.433)

1:12 pm. Loran de Munck NED PH: Scissors to handstand, clean and controlled, nice one-arm swing, tiny bit of closed hips at one point but for the most part he seems to have the tightest form in the field so far, slight form break in his legs while circling, clean transition to the Russians, could point his toes but overall very nice stuff. Excellent up into the dismount. Great routine and moves to first! 14.933 (6.5, 8.433)

1:08 pm. Gagik Khachikyan ARM PH: Clean scissor work through to circles, goes a bit too aggressive on the one-arm swing and it looks like he gets higher than he meant, completely loses his leg form and comes off. NOOOOO. Also loses leg form on the Russians on the handle. Gets a little more confident as he moves through but then loses it, minor leg and hip form throughout and then some MAJOR leg form near the end but stays on throughout. Hit the dismount. Rough set. 12.466 (6.1, 6.366)

1:05 pm. Warmups for the second half! Let me pay attention to them so I don’t miss the first competitor again.

1:03 pm. Marios Georgiou CYP PH: Okay all-around champion!! Still cannot believe that. Scissors to handstand down to scissors into circles on the handles, clean work, hip and foot form gets a little loose as he moves further into things, and his legs were pretty close to the horse going into the Busnari but he gets it up and kills it, the rest is good, he’s very happy with that. 14.800 (6.2, 8.600)

12:58 pm. Ilia Liubimov ISR PH: Clean scissor work, one-arm swing, hip form could be cleaner but that aside his form is pretty decent, just had a break in his rhythm at the end that caused him to come off, nothing dramatic, just like, not fully on his game with his hand placement from the looks of it. Back on basically for the dismount. 13.133 (5.8, 7.333)

12:55 pm. Oleg Verniaiev UKR PH: Good handstand into the scissor work, some slight leg form coming down and then his hips are a little closed in his subsequent circle work. Russians look pretty solid. Right at the end he had a moment where it looked like he almost didn’t clear the handles on one of his circles and while pushing up to compensate his legs came apart and he came off. Back on just for Russians and then the dismount sequence. Bummer, that could’ve been huge. 14.200 (6.7, 7.500)

12:54 pm. Matteo Giubellini SUI PH: I somehow missed this entire routine? Watching without sound so need to pay better attention lol, truly thought it was still warmups. Just saw the replay and had some leg form going into the dismount but otherwise looked really smooth! 14.600 (6.1, 8.500)

12:51 pm. Warmups are underway for pommel horse!

12:37 pm. Medal ceremony for floor now! Will be back soon for pommels.

12:31 pm. Floor Exercise Final Standings

1. Luke Whitehouse, Great Britain, 14.866
2. Artem Dolgopyat, Israel, 14.833
3. Krisztofer Meszaros, Hungary, 14.600
4. Unai Baigorri, Spain, 14.233
5. Léo Saladino, France, 14.066
6. Jake Jarman, Great Britain, 13.966
7. Nicolau Mir, Spain, 13.666
8. Jim Zona, France, 12.933

12:29 pm. Luke Whitehouse GBR FX: Triple back! Little bounce. Think either a back 2.5 or front double full to double front, little bounce forward. Piked double front, big hop forward. Stuck the side pass. Double double, maybe a bit low but mostly good on the landing. Hit the next pass, I AGAIN missed the entry, and then a triple full with a step and a wobble. Mostly great stuff. And he goes into first!!! 14.866 (6.5, 8.366)

12:25 pm. Jake Jarman GBR FX: Double double layout is massive but goes a bit too hard on it and the landing isn’t GREAT, big step back OOB. Hit the next pass into a front layout, I keep missing the beginnings!!! Double double with a hop back. Hit the triple down the side with a hop back. Front full to randi, then finishes with a 3.5 with a hop forward. Scrappy form and landings throughout, he can do it better, but still a hit. 13.966 (6.3, 8.066, -0.4)

12:21 pm. Nicolau Mir ESP FX: HUUUUUUGE double double, bounce on the landing but that was massive, has he done a triple double? He could. Next pass was combined twists that he came out of a bit short and had to step back on. Arabian double front half-out for the third with a hop IIRC. Double full down the side, I am HATING them switching camera angles mid pass! 2.5 to front layout, solid, and then finishes with a triple full, some ankle form in the air but gets the landing. 13.666 (5.5, 8.266, -0.1)

12:17 pm. Artem Dolgopyat ISR FX: Double double layout, good landing, chest maybe a bit forward. Front full to piked double front, good. 2.5 to double front I think? We had a weird camera angle, he took a step forward out of it. OOB maybe. I didn’t see the next pass but he did a front layout out of it and hit. Double double was great in the air and on the landing. Arabian double front half, great landing. He’s jazzed. 14.833 (6.4, 8.533)

12:15 pm. Break for the second half of warmups now!

12:12 pm. Léo Saladino FRA FX: Triple double, tiny bounce on the landing. Front full to double front, a bit cowboyed and has to force the landing but holds it up. Double double, chest down and a small bounce. Double full down the side, a little deep there. 2.5 to front layout, small hop back. Triple full, another little bounce, a bit scrappy in this routine overall but good fight! 14.066 (5.9, 8.166)

12:08 pm. Unai Baigorri ESP FX: Randi down the side to start, little bounce. 2.5 to front layout to front full, some leg form but overall a solid pass, hop at the end. 1.5 to front double full, lots of air. Triple full down the side, casual. Good flair work. Set into the double double was kinda low but he got the landing. 14.233 (5.8, 8.433)

12:04 pm. Jim Zona FRA FX: I didn’t see his first pass but he hit! Looked like something simple into a front layout but wasn’t paying attention. Double front for the second pass was a little deep. Back layout down the side. 1.5 to front full. 2.5 is a bit deep with a lunge forward. Not a ton of D here but he got through it. 12.933 (5.1, 7.833)

12:01 pm. Krisztofer Meszaros HUN FX: Front full to piked double front, solid landing and clean in the air. 2.5 to double front, little bobble on that landing but overall fine. I missed the entry for the third pass, looked like a full-in or something but I might be 100% incorrect. 1.5 to front double full, some leg form on the randi after, and then a triple full with a hop back. 14.600 (6.3, 8.300)


By: Lauren
Title: 2024 European Championships | Senior MAG Event Finals Day 1 Live Blog
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 16:02:02 +0000

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